Android and ios comparison!

Android and iOS are two different operating systems that run on smartphones and tablets. They have some similarities and some differences. Here are some of the main points of comparison:

Android is made by Google and runs on many different brands and models of devices. iOS is made by Apple and runs only on Apple devices like iPhone and iPad1.

Android has a larger market share than iOS, with about 72% of mobile devices worldwide using Android and about 27% using iOS1. This means that Android has more app compatibility and support than iOS.

Android is more open and customizable than iOS, allowing users to change the interface, settings, widgets, launchers, themes, and more. iOS is more closed and consistent than iOS, offering a simpler and smoother user experience.

Android has more hardware options than iOS, ranging from low-end to high-end devices with different features like cameras, batteries, screens, processors, and more. iOS has fewer hardware options than Android, but they are generally more premium and reliable devices with better performance.

Android has less security and privacy than iOS, being more vulnerable to malware attacks due to its openness and fragmentation. iOS has more security and privacy than Android, being more protected from viruses and hackers due to its closeness and updates.

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